FROM THE NEW DAILY: "He is possibly one of the most popular politicians in the United States – Duke the dog has been elected as mayor of his Minnesotan town for the third time. .. Duke was sworn in for his third year-long term in Cormorant, his town of about 1000 residents, at the weekend.
“Everybody voted for Duke – except for one vote for his girlfriend, Lassie,” according to Duke’s owner, David Rick"..... CLICK HERE TO READ THE WHOLE STORY ONLINE
Australians know all about dogs and political office and those of a certain age can well remember a deposed political leader complaining that "even a drover's dog could win the election." Others may also remember the euphemisms bandied about from time to time that described mayoral positions in particular as being "a bitch if a job" or the alternative gender twist "a mongrel of a job". So, Minnesota's 'doggy mayor' might feel right at home in Australia, in the mayoral get up, fronting for a 'pack of mongrels'.
Australians know all about dogs and political office and those of a certain age can well remember a deposed political leader complaining that "even a drover's dog could win the election." Others may also remember the euphemisms bandied about from time to time that described mayoral positions in particular as being "a bitch if a job" or the alternative gender twist "a mongrel of a job". So, Minnesota's 'doggy mayor' might feel right at home in Australia, in the mayoral get up, fronting for a 'pack of mongrels'.