Monday, July 23, 2012



21 July 2012

The Editor,
The Examiner Newspaper
Paterson Street

The Tasmanian Ratepayers Association has for many years lobbied for a more equitable rates system for local government ratepayers. In situations such as Hobart and Launceston Councils, ratepayers in the greater metropolitan area beyond the municipal boundary, should contribute to the cost of regional facilities that they clearly utilize and accordingly gain a benefit.

It is with interest that we note that Professor Dollery has reported his conclusions on the topic of regional amalgamations of councils in the greater Launceston area that curiously is in conflict with a similar report that southern area councils commissioned last year from Access Economics and Delloites.

It is patently clear that where significant facilities and services are provided to a regional area, then all the ratepayers in that greater area ought to contribute to the cost of such and the ongoing operations from which they benefit.

Adequate warning of the need for contributions to be made by neighboring councils on behalf of their ratepayers has not been heeded. A case in point was the effort made in Launceston by former Mayor Ivan Dean, for contributions to the regional swimming facility Launceston Aquatic, which yielded nothing in spite of Ald. Dean announcing that he had in fact gained some agreement for contributions.

Some hapless ratepayers argue that amalgamation of councils may be the only course, given the lack of action or support for cost or resource sharing by neighboring councils.

In this time of increasing economic stress for ratepayers, there is a growing unrest in the community because some councils, including the City of Launceston, refuse to reign in their increasing expenditure and hence levy annual rate increases, that are higher than cpi.

The need to abandon the inequitable rating system based on the theoretical rental value of a residential property, also has progressed very little, in spite of government amendments to legislation that removes any ambiguity concerning the legality of the popular “flat” or “capped” rating systems for residential properties.

The association appreciates

1. the need to have lower costs for ratepayers, but it is not convinced that mergers in themselves will automatically reduce costs, as a larger ratepayers base will probably only encourage the bureaucracy and the aldermen to pursue even more career and ego enhancing expenditure and projects that the community can ill afford.

2. the logic of LCC having a larger ratepayers base as a means to dilute its large losses on its favorite white elephant projects like the Launceston Aquatic, Aurora Stadium at York Park and the Queen Victoria Museums and the like.

3. that those ratepayers in councils with more fiscal restraint than Launceston may end up paying more under a larger merged entity.

4. that the only way to convince the community of the worth of mergers would require councils such as LCC to show restraint in expenditure which it has clearly not ever shown in the past and on present performances, is unlikely to show anytime in the near future.

5. that one way to transition to a merged council in the northern area, would be for LCC to adopt a flat rate structure in line with the vast majority of the community's ability to pay. This would lead to a lower total revenue and a drop in the euphemistically named 'services', to a level that the community can afford and would end up more in line with the services in neighboring areas.

All councils, including Launceston City Council, need to release information on the source of rate income and the full calculations of rating system differences, such that the community can understand the source of revenue. Until this becomes a full and open debate, we are not likely to progress to a more sustainable situation.

Yours faithfully,

Lionel J. Morrell
Lionel Morrell
Tasmanian Ratepayers Association Inc..

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