Basil Fitch congratulate the Mayor in bringing Mayors of surrounding councils in the northern area to a MOU to support the proposed UTas move to Inveresk and Willis Street. Furthermore he notes that there are consequences to this outcome and he thus poses a series of questions to Council. LCC News will be watching the outcome of Mr. Fitch's questioning very carefully!
In fact ratepayers should follow Mr Fitch's lead and ask aldermen questions without notice in open council since it seems aldermen are not asking questions of management and the press is giving the council and it management a 'glory ride'.
Go back and search online and just look at what The Examiner (Click Here) has been reporting. Perhaps more importantly, if you have the time, dredge back through council minutes to see to what extent aldermen, your representatives, are giving council management petty much a free ride. Likewise, take a look at the Consultant' Report on LCC News [Link] and think about council's actual accountability.
1 comment:
Quickie just to say that it appears that council dysfunction is compounded by -
• no real training for aldermen (e.g. how to govern; handling grievances; working with others etc)
• no policing of Council behaviours (LGAT doesn't police, it acts for Councils)
• no dispute settlement for community members (unless you like runarounds)
• inadequate definitions in the LGA.
Result - ill disciplined and unaccountable functionaries all jockeying for power and recognition.
If nothing else, this might save you all some time.
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