
In the news

In the news
NSW Local Elections Tomorrow
There is a reminder out to all NSW members that council elections in NSW are tomorrow for most shires. For people not in Byron Shire unfortunately there are no candidates pledging to use the Flux system, however...
Byron Shire Council Candidate
James Wright is running in the Byron Shire election and has pledged to use the Flux System if he is elected there tomorrow. James made the same pledge when running as an independent Senate candidate at the last federal election. We’re supporting James’s campaign and if you're in the Byron Shire, be sure to vote for **Group E** tomorrow. If you're interested in helping with How To Votes tomorrow please send an email through to campaign@ejameswright.com or give him a call on 0424 386 192.
Upcoming Public Meeting
On September 19th (tentatively 6:30 pm) we're going to hold a public meeting to discuss the party structure and plans going forward. If you're interested in contributing to Flux we'd encourage you to attend, or at least watch the recording later. This is going to be an early-stage kick off to a much longer discussion so there's plenty of chance for input and sharing ideas, even if you can't make it on the night. To cater to as many people as possible we're going to livestream a hangout, via YouTube, and there will be opportunities to contribute via text (though not via the hangout itself as they can't support more than 10 participants). We'll email more in the way of details before the 19th.
Upcoming State/Territory Elections
At a state level, the next elections on the horizon are the ACT Legislative Council election in October, as well as the WA election in March of next year. If you’re in the ACT and would like to get involved or run as a candidate please respond to this email. More to come on the WA election in the coming weeks!
What is Flux?
More a celebration of democracy than a partyReally you’re the brains of this operation. Flux is the tool Australians can use to directly participate in parliament. Flux is a party come election time but once we have elected MP’s and senators that’s where the difference begins. Your Flux representatives give up their autonomy and vote according to the people. They cast their votes in line with the outcomes produced by the Flux ecosystem comprised of ordinary Aussies like you.
It’s still democracy, it’s just Governance 2.0
Flux will operate in the form of an app you can access right from your computer or smartphone. You’ll be given a vote on every bill put before Federal Parliament, and can use that vote immediately on the issue at hand, give it to a trusted third party to cast on your behalf, or save it for an issue you care more passionately about later.
It won’t matter where politicians stand when the floor is yours
Flux as a party is a vehicle for driving this systemic political change, with no policy platform beyond parliamentary reform. Flux is a tool for changing how policy is shaped. It will allow more voices to join the conversation, empower specialists to become politically involved in their fields, and grant Australians direct access to producing better policy for a better Australia.
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