Monday, April 9, 2018



STOP PRESS: Labbrokes are offering interesting odds on Ald. Finlay leading Council into CLOSED COUNCIL to discuss MONEY.

1 comment:

TV Resident said...

After the amount of money that has been used to tissy up the city centre, to the detriment of all else. I have been concerned that this would happen with our rates being raised again. The council have been spending like a drunken sailor and this money has to come from somewhere. I have read today that the council are also putting up parking fees to help cover their extravagances, and they have the audacity to complain when the people don't monopolise their extravagantly renovated or decorated streets with other peoples money. They are just wastful spendthrifts especially when the money is not theirs.....Roll on council elections and let's get rid of these wastrels.