Tuesday, October 2, 2018

COMPARE AND CONTRAST: Truth telling in Local Govt.

TWO LETTERS: Click here to go to source

Unhealthy vision 
A NEW and competent council would do wonders for Launceston. My grouch seems to be fairly general in the municipality, we have a council that has had problems with coming to terms with the dire needs of Launceston and I believe their failings today rendered their term of office as not only disappointing, but a term of unnecessary money spending with little or no gain to the ratepayers of the city. 

Concerns, too, that city development appears to have been taken from council control and an unhealthy vision is appearing that does not sit too well with many citizens and questions are becoming stronger as to just where is all the mainland investment money is flowing from and before they depart a little public enlightenment as to how the present association could continue to be of benefit to Launceston? 

Geoff Smedley, Trevallyn.

Difference in councils 
WHAT a marked difference between the Launceston City Council and West Tamar Council – the LCC are money grabbers and the WTC are not. 

Example: Paid rates for a property in the Launceston area in full September 21, but because the first installment was due August 31 was charged a 3 per cent penalty plus interest of $12. 

Did the same for my property in Riverside, which was due the same time, not only wasn’t I charged a fee, but received a $32.81 discount for paying by the September 28

Why would councils want to merge with Launceston? They spend money like its water and then charge everyone for their extravagance there are many examples like the flood levy and the $400,000 spent putting a cycle lane on Westbury Road. 

Rob Kenna, Riverside.


LITTLE WONDER at election time that the punters might be out doing a little compare and contrast thingo along with a spot of truth telling. Yet in the case of West Tamar it is the 'best council in Tasmania' and we know this because one councillor keeps on telling Launcestonians that it is so. 

He must be right because Launceston's Mayor lives there with him and arguably he can avoid the uncontainable rate rises ahead flowing from the decision making in the dark he countenances. 

Therefore, when Launceston's Mayor votes in his 'home' municipality he can vote for the candidates declaring that they are 'the best council' without doing a dot where here gets paid his 'brass'. Weird isn't it?

Everything is done out in the open at West Tamar and ratepayers rank highly in the councillors' minds whereas over in Launceston its council has real trouble coming to terms with people's real needs. They had a clever 'fly-in-fly-out' GM who essentially left them in 'debt hole' and now they are being asked to vote for more of the same. Why would you trust them with 'your' lunch money?


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