Wednesday, May 29, 2019

MEDIA RELEASE: Launceston Council Issues in the spotlight

The scheduled City of Launceston Council meeting for May 30 has taken on somewhat extraordinary interest in recent days for a number of reasons.

Cr. Spencer's motion to do with Council's tender process has draw unusual attention within the Council operation and social media.

The General Manager has made a submission in the Agenda Papers strongly opposing Cr. Spencer's motion.

Whatever the outcome this motion is likely to change the ways Council does business in the city.

There has been considerable discussion on social media relative to the motion and the General Manager's and the Mayor's commentaries in the press.

Already, as result of comments to do with Council's budget and budget process Mayor van Zetten has come out arguing against asset sales and York Park in particular. And this is early days.

Other Council assets are likely to come into focus as a result of this motion and discussions that flow from it. Ratepayers have been calling for rate constraint for a very long time.

Aside from matters related to Cr Spencer's motion, other serious matters are being talked about. For instance UTas is meeting in Closed Council with the Councillors.

Another is to do with the vGorge Hotel's Development Application.

It is also being dis discussed that the QVMAG's Director is to be making an "announcement" and that institution is one area where budget constraint has been discussed over many years.

The Council meeting is due to open at 1 pm Thursday May 30 at Town Hall St John's Street.

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