Really, they all need to get a real job and go to Western Australia to dig up iron ore.
It is important that the pendulum swings back towards the value for money side of the equation. Too many timeservers are employed in public service and that is across the board. It is as bad in local government as it may be in the State Govt. public service. It might even be worse.
If we look at Launceston, ratepayers dealing with Council, according to a recent survey, have a better than 40% chance of encountering an uncooperative or inefficient or inept functionary somewhere along the way. This is disturbing.
Furthermore, if one was to take a long hard look at what council has achieved in the last financial year there is nothing worth throwing a bouquet at but there are many targets for brickbats. This must tell us something.
So the plea is out to Premier Giddings, please do not stop at the State Govt. public service and deliver up to ratepayers a way of disposing of non-performing staff in their councils as well. This last financial year some have cost ratepayers hundreds of thousands of dollars.
A way to start would be to have some truly independent performance reviews where there was a disinclination to be generous. But do not hold your breath or look for a good outcome, or better performances, anytime soon. There are too many with too much at stake to allow cost saving of this kind at Town Hall. Watch the budget for the evidence!
1 comment:
In workplaces these non performers are called "SHINY BUMS". There are lot of them about and they are not all employed by the council. Some of them are ON the council but we do get what we deserve. People keep voting for them. We must stop it right now.
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