Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Launceston's Ratepayers Increasingly Holding Council To Account

Retirees were quick to celebrate a failed motion at the Launceston Council meeting on Monday, which would have seen independent living units (ILU) subjected to general rates. ............ Eight community members spoke against the motion to the crowded council chambers, which would have seen a phased reduction in the remission of general rates provided to ILUs owned by charitable organisations. ............ Alderman Hugh McKenzie moved the motion, and said while the issue was put forward in 2010, the discussion had changed after a Magistrates Court decision relating to properties in the Meander Valley municipality in 2012. ............ Should retirement village residents have to pay rates? Yes No Yes, but subsidised rates Vote View Results “This was based on the fact that there was case law which found that residential villages were found to not be used for a charitable purpose,” he said. ............ “This is about what, in my view, is right and it’s about leadership, equity and justice.” ............ Acting Mayor Rob Soward said he was worried for people who had moved into retirement villages under the assumption they would never pay general rates again. “I have brought up the idea of grandfathering, so anyone who moves in after [a certain date] knows the situation they are moving into… retrospectivity to me is a concern,” Alderman Soward said. ............ Under the Local Government Act the motion required an absolute majority of seven votes to pass, but only six Aldermen voted in favour to apply the general rates. ............ Instead, the council agreed to apply a full rates remission to ILUs to June 30, 2017. 

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  NOTE FROM THE MEETING JUNE 11
• The proposal to levy fire service rates on retirement units failed to get the numbers required.
• The proposal to remove rate remissions and force retirement home residents to pay a full general rate on their properties from 2017 failed to get the numbers required.
The public gallery was filled to overflowing with residents and ratepayers attending to protest council's proposal to increase its 'rates take' from retirement village residents. Council is inc reasingly being put on notice by its constituency, as one ratepayer put it, to 'be on their metal and to be a lot more consultative, enough is enough!" ... As is often said, watch this space'.

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ON THE AGENA JUNE 11


City rates slug MATT MALONEY July 10, 2016, ............. INDEPENDENT retirement home residents could be forced to pay rates on their properties from 2017 after years of being exempt from doing so. ............ The move comes as councils statewide agreed to applying general rates and fire service levies to independent living units within retirement villages. ............ Hobart and Clarence councils have already agreed to apply the full general rate from this month. ............ City of Launceston aldermen this Monday will decide on whether the council should remove rate remissions and transition to forcing payment of a full general rate by 2024-25. ............ Under the proposal, residents would be exempt from paying rates this financial year but would start doing so in 2017-18 with a 70 per cent remission. ............ The remission rate would decrease by 10 per cent each subsequent year until a full rate is imposed. ............ The council will also decide on whether to levy fire service rates on retirement units. ............ Aldermen last month deferred a decision on that charge, prompted by concerns over a perceived lack of community consultation. ............ The move would have raised $100,000 for the 2016-17 financial year. ............ A retirement unit with a capital value of $250,000 would attract $1458 in rates if both charges are implemented. ............ A council report notes that for many years it had been standard practice to treat retirement homes as exempt from rates though this did not accord with the Local Government Act which determined when exemptions applied. ............ Glenara Lakes Residents Association president Tony McCormack said that the new charges would impact on self-funded retirees who were generally experiencing decreasing income in the current economic environment. ............ Dr McCormack submitted a petition of 60 signatures urging the council not to proceed with the changes. ............ A submission from Allan Miller states that residents were generally of the belief that council rates and taxes were included in their monthly maintenance bill.

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  ON THE AGENA JUNE 11
Retirement home rates, green waste topics for council July 11, 2016, 10:54 a.m. ............ The Launceston City Council will today vote on a number of issues which could have wide reaching effects for the community. ............ Independent retirement home residents could be forced to pay rates on their properties from 2017 after years of being exempt from doing so. ............ The move comes as councils statewide agreed to applying general rates and fire service levies to independent living units within retirement villages. ............ Aldermen will decide on whether the council should remove rate remissions and transition to forcing payment of a full general rate by 2024-25. ............ The council will also decide on whether to levy fire service rates on retirement units. ............ Approving kerbside organics collection and an organics processing facility could also be on the cards at the Monday council meeting. ............ The decision could mean the introduction of a voluntary food organics and garden organics third bin fortnightly collection service for the urban residential area of Launceston and Lilydale. ............ Residents would be provided with a 240 litre wheelie bin from the council at a one-off registration fee of $65.00, a kitchen caddy, identification sticker and comprehensive educational material.

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