Thursday, September 8, 2016

Something Smells And Its The Tamar .... AND

Well, it bloody well does but it doesn't have to continue that way.  The challenge really is whether our Council capable of change and focusing on the real community issues rather than shiny new buildings designed to feed their egos and pad out their CV's.

Interesting, in London we believe, new 'built infrastructure' is not permitted to impose upon the city's infrastructure in an unwarranted way – that's energy supply grids and sewerage infrastructure, etc. Now that's good civic planning! Where's Launceston's?

Meanwhile, in Launceston it looks like you can chuck up a building and impose upon the infrastructure in unimagined ways and its okay. The Mayor even says if there is a problem we'll fix it but what he is saying it seems is after the problem has presented itself – that's parking, road access, sewerage treatment etc. We seem to recall him, or was it the General Manager, saying that they'd rather deal with it that way ... BUT our memory might well have failed us!

However in London if you wish to build you need to PLAN. And part of your planning is to do with energy and water management. Your building plans need to demonstrate that at least 20%(?) of your energy requirements can be met on-site AND all water – well most of it–  and sewerage needs to be managed on-site much the same way as Michael Mobbs, the 'off-grid guy', did with his Sydney Sustainable House...

Interestingly the university is seeking a 'social licence' to impose upon Launceston's infrastructure – and they want a free kick too. If they were a real and credible institution they'd be having this kind of discussion with the community, the council and 'government".  BUT NO ... well not yet at least!

Tandra Vale


TEDDY BOY said...

You have to be joking iof you think that any council functionary will be prepared to function in this kind of way. They might lose theier job and so and so and so on. First principle is stay inside the box and the second one is do not rock the boat.

Damon Naulty said...

I hear from a couple of mates who work in the Lonnie Council that the elected Aldermen are scared witless of their own G.M. They won't stand up for ratepayers, criticise management, or even do their jobs of representing we ratepayers. They're afraid of legal action by their own Council, or other forms of reprisal. Great! A council run by fear.