Thursday, August 17, 2017


Today I announce that I have written an OPEN LETTER to the premier of Tasmania in regard to my deep concerns to  do Launceston City Council's accountability. CLICK HERE

I have placed my letter on the Internet and I ask anyone reading it, and who shares my concerns, to also write to the Premier telling him of their own issues to do with Local Govt. in Tasmania and Launceston's Council.

I have come to the position that Local Govt in Tasmania is at a crisis point and that no council more than Launceston City Council is in deeper trouble when it comes to accountability.

As a consequence of my arriving at this understanding, and having discussed the issues with people around me, I am persuaded that Imust either put up for election for the next council election in 2018 or shut up. 

I have decided to stand even though I will be 81 at the time of the election. If elected I will donate my council allowance to charity. 

In the meantime, I will start work on putting together a team of independent candidates and mentors who will stand alongside me. Also, I will be working with anyone who wishes to become a part of this exercise torecruit people to work on the team.

Over the coming days, weeks and months I will be sending out more information about my concerns and my candidacy.

For more information:
  • Phone: 03 – 6344 2688
  • eMail:


Anonymous said...

Well hurrah!
Blind Feddys dog could tell some thing is awry at the Town Hall and has been for some time. Something should be done to winkle the blaggards out. But who would be willing to do it?
Isn’t the G.M.moving on?
I guess the saga will just go on and on till a commissioner is appointed.
Love R.

Eyes wide open said...

In reply to last comment; Only moving on not out so we are led to believe! Hopefully the new GM who is a "local" and has worked for LCC in the past may be able to get us on a more even keel. Don't envy him his job after the last two GMs.

Anonymous said...

Glad you're running Basil, you'll keep the bastards honest!