Sunday, January 21, 2018

Tomorrows Meeting: Call For Accountability!!

To All Aldermen, 

I wish to raise the issue of Agenda Item 8.6 on your next meeting Jan 22nd 2018. I am appalled that you have the arrogance to so brazenly attempt to further dismember proper and democratic communication with your rate payers by trying to further lock in your love of secrecy and drive for absolute power to the detriment of good governance.

You are all there to represent us, we are not mere pawns in your machinations and you show no respect for this fact. This agenda item is in my opinion, just another example of the quickly failing integrity and moral standing of this council and I remind you most strongly that we have an election coming up this year and attempts such as this to shut out and shut up the community, will be remembered most fervently.

If you have any integrity or strength of character left, if you can remember what your role is and should be, that is to both represent and include the community in caring for and progressing our city, particularly when it comes to such overriding changes as itemised in the despicable Agenda Item 8.6, then your only correct moral decision must be to vote it down. 

Thank you,

A Ratepayer

NB: Letter sent under separate cover to Aldermen


Anonymous said...

Having had the misfortune of attending a Council meeting on 22 January, I can only rejoice that 2018 gives us the opportunity to put a new broom through the LCC. There was a pervasive air of gormlessness and I wondered and still do which cat had got whose tongue. Foolishly I had expected a liveliness that would spark debate and investigation and possibly even the odd witticism. What I got was a crick in my neck from nodding off. Credit where credit is due however. The heroic Alderman Janie Finlay addressed the looming loss of green space in East Launceston with verve, sensitivity and dare I say a strategic understanding that seems scarcer than a thylacine in our fair state. Well done Alderman Finlay. You stood out from the pack.

Anonymous said...

Where is tne conflict of interest register held anyone?