How divisive is this stance taken by the General Manager out and about in the press as he is? The point of this petition is to:
- Make the elected representatives – here operating as planners – aware that they are 251 plus thus far people who hold a particular set of views;
- Make the elected representatives aware of the issues they are concerned about; and
- To do so as loudly as they can in order to attract attention to their stance and concerns.
For the most part they have done this it seems. It also seems that they have done so 'in spades' given the time available.
The GM's talking the petitioners/representors/protestors down is not only divisive, his characterization of the petition's 'bureaucratic status' is at best irrelevant.
The notion that how this
PETITION would work was never a mystery to those who signed it. If yoU use
'social media' you are well aware of how these things work.
As well, anyone connected to the world on 'social media' would know what impacts these petitions can have and have had. They have never worked 'bureaucraticaly', they are not intended to, but they have had some significant outcomes.
Examiner readers might also remember that the GM came out against the audacity of anti-Gorge Hotel representors moving a motion of no confidence in the City of Launceston's planning staff. For the GM to do this was both silly band inappropriate.
Curiously, having it reported in the press added wait to the views of project's detractors. So, be it.
However, if the GM 'knew his onions' and was looking for an appropriate outcome he might be sending out a different message. Likewise, if the Mayor as the meeting's Chairperson was actually a community 'representative' he too might want handle this whole things a little differently.
So, Launceston has what Launceston has and when the shouting is over and the dust has settled, and it will, we will see what we have.
A petition against the proposed Gorge Hotel is not able to be submitted before the council makes a decision about the development. ............The petition raises concerns about the proposed hotel's
height, visual effects and location.............
It is being put forward by a neighbour of the site where the proposal is expected to be built in Patterson Street.............
However, the City of Launceston council general manager Michael Stretton said the petition could not be accepted because the agenda for Thursday's meeting had closed.............
"[That] removes the ability to table a petition for consideration at the meeting," he said...........
Gorge Hotel created by six architects
The council will consider the development application at its meeting on Thursday. Mr Stretton said those for and against the proposal would have the opportunity to speak to the item.............
"As the planning authority responsible for assessing the development application for the proposed hotel, the council is required to solely consider the planning merits of the application," Mr Stretton said.............
"We appreciate there are a diversity of views on planning applications."
How a building looks is not supposed to be considered when the council is acting as a planning authority.............
The petition was started after a meeting between the council and the representors of the hotel. ............
More than 251 signatures have already been received since the petition was started on Monday.............
"In these two comparison cases used [in the development application], the proposed developments heights were only higher than one other building in their vicinities," the petition said.............
"Whereas, this we believe does not compare to the Gorge development in which the height is twice that of the highest surrounding buildings and will stand to become the tallest building in the two-hundred-and-thirteen-year-old city." ............ Concerns about the height of the 39-metre proposal were raised because the surrounding building, Launceston College, is about 21 metres.
The meeting will start at 1pm at the Town Hall.............
Those speaking to the item will be given two minutes.
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