Tuesday, April 7, 2020


COVID-19 Hardship Policy approved 

by George Town Council

Support for the notion was given during a Local Government Association Tasmania meeting in March, not long after the City of Launceston Council approved its rates would not rise for the next financial year.
George Town mayor Greg Kieser said he anticipated George Town to follow suit along with fellow Northern councils in considering the idea.
"We don't have a motion at this stage in terms of our rating policy for next year, but I would not be at all surprised if we remained consistent and put through a zero per cent change," he said.
West Tamar mayor and LGAT president Christina Holmdahl also foresaw her municipality would not be increasing rates next year.
The George Town Council also approved it's first assistance measure for the coronavirus crisis at its March meeting.
The COVID-19 Hardship Policy was approved unanimously, and is aimed at providing flexibility in rate payments for those experiencing hardship due to the virus.
The policy can be valid for 12 months; Cr Kieser said many people in the community had been placed in vulnerable positions due to the virus.
"We acknowledge that it is a very challenging time for certain members of the community across the spectrum," he said.
Both Cr Holmdahl and Cr Kieser said further measures would be discussed in their councils.
"It's now a question of what we can afford," Cr Kieser said.

COMMENT: These two councils are providing leadership in holding down their rate demands. More importantly the elected representatives  have not abdicated their policy and strategic determination role in this crisis. All the signals are there that there is an atmosphere where deliberation within council and the community will be ongoing.
There are lessons there fot Launceston's Councillors. This is a space to be watched as the consequences of this COVID-19 start to really manifest themselves!

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