Sunday, May 31, 2020

SAY NO to a State Planning Bureaucracy

The Tasmanian Ratepayers Executive is concerned that the changes proposed by the major projects bill have the potential to facilitate the spectre of corruption in determining planning matters as experienced in other States, and an unwinding of the highly-regarded planning system in Tasmania, leading to massive restrictions for the public to have a say, and too much power put into the hands of politicians.

All political donations need to be publicly announced and openly recorded in real time. Political donations from property developers should be disallowe.

TRA Inc opposes any suggestion of the potential removal of planning responsibilities from Local Government, should a new and all-powerful State Planning bureaucracy be created in its stead, and does not see the need for wholesale changes to the Tasmanian Planning Commission. The Tasmania community has confidence in the TPC’s structure, roles and functions, with its proven independence and impartial role being essential in protecting the public's interest. 

The best improvements to be implemented for the Tasmanian planning system should involve a better resourcing of TPC and Local Government, not just a 'status quo' outlook, but a strengthening and respect for ensuring community values and interests are properly and adequately upheld. .

Mr. Alvaro Ascui 
Public Officer Tasmanian Ratepayers Assoc Inc

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