Thursday, April 7, 2011


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PATHETIC is the only way to describe the outcome of Hydro Tasmania's Cataract Gorge Flow Review, (The Examiner, 7 April), which has proven to be (as I said it would at the start) nothing more than a sham, a mockery and a whitewash with a pre-determined outcome.

Last financial year the Hydro returned a profit of $73 million, YES $73 million, and can easily afford to increase Gorge flows well above the extra miserly 1 cubic metre per second they intend to release; then they have the gall to state this will reduce their income by a mere $600,000 per annum.

By not significantly increasing Gorge flow above this level Hydro Tasmania are completely ignoring: scientific opinion, the wishes of the Launceston community; Launceston City Council and the environmental needs of the Cataract Gorge and Tamar Basin.

To use the excuse of threatened species of flora as a reason not to increase Gorge flows is nothing more than an insult to the communities intelligence who would like to know how it managed to survive pre Trevallyn Dam when Gorge flows were 'significantly' higher than they are now?

As a stakeholder I am 'ashamed' to have participated in this review and enabled Hydro Tasmania to say they have consulted with the community; they certainly did but then ...completely ignored what they had to say!

Yours sincerely,
Jim Collier,
Tamar River


Launceston Citizen said...

I agree with this response entirely.

All of that flood water a fortnight ago and Hydro argues the scientific impact on flora and fauna.

How much power could have been generated via Lower South Esk mini power stations during these peak water flows I wonder ?

Where to now ? Wait for the next 5-year review (this last one was delayed for 9 years I think ?)

The Coordinator said...

I went to that meeting at the Town Hall and my Bull Dust Metre got all clogged up. I've never seen seen so much posturing in my life.

Yes I have and its all been at meetings called by the Council and one or two called by the Hydro.

Council bleats on about sustainability, the environment and all that. BUT that's all they ever do call meetings and bleat. There are a couple of aldermen who need to lift their game and start doing something instead of talking about doing something.

As for the Hydro, they need to get the message that the water in Tasmanian rivers is NOT THEIRS!

Spotted Frog said...

No, Hydro don’t pay for our water but they charge us if we want any of it back !!
I wonder if the State Government asks Mother Nature to apply for a threatened species permit for her floods.
It is absolutely ridiculous that a permit is required to return water flow to it natural position. I doubt if it is required in the Mersey Forth Scheme, which is regularly flushed by Hydro.

Skippy said...

Jim, haven't you got the message yet? That's how it works in Tasmania and in Launceston in particular. You consult and then you ignore! It happens over and over.

It is all our fault really because we let them get away with it and we pay dearly for it.

Council staff are incorrigible repeat offenders. They even ignore Council decisions or take so long to implement them that the need for implementation passes.

As for the Hydro, well they think they are the government. In reality both lots have been allowed to think and act as they do and we all let them. Shame on us!

Blackie said...

Well boys and girls.
How about this for an idea?
If you want to help and increase the piddling amount presently trickling down the gorge, the FLUSH TWICE when leaving the pokies at the Country Club Casino, then the amount of Hydro increase will double via the defective sewer treatment plant at Blackstone Heights which just runs into the river.

Alderman Rob Soward said...

The Hydo response , whilst entirely predictable, is an absolute disgrace.The figure they have ended up with wasnt one that appeared in any conversations I had with a large number of residents and ratepayers.The whole consultation was a waste of time in that they were NEVER going to increase it as it should be increased- I will continue to pursue this at council, the media and in letters to state parliament