Sunday, September 28, 2014

Questions for the Mayor and Aldermen

As the candidates for the 2014 Council elections become known there are burning questions that need to be put to them right now and especially so as they are asking for ratepayers’ and residents’ support – moral and financial.

The first set of question goes to the mayor since he is seeking re-election:
1. What is it that you want to “finish” that you could not in your 5 years as mayor?
2. Which projects did you start that you haven’t had time to finish?
3. What contributions have you made towards making the LCC budget both equitable and sustainable?

Then there are some questions for Aldermen seeking relelection:
1. How have you upheld LLC’s Organisational Values – – and ensured that management has observed them?
2. What for you has been Council’s most significant achievements in the past 3 years?
3. What budgetary savings can you see as being achievable in the next 2 to 4 years?

To provide your answers please either eMAIL  them to OR use the comments section below.

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