Wednesday, December 16, 2015

CITY HEART: Fantasy or Realism?

The story goes ... "SECTIONS of Charles Street and Paterson Street are slated to become two-way, after traffic flow changes were approved by the Launceston City Council on Monday. ............ Under the motion the Kingsway would become a one-way street in a northerly direction, and parts of Charles Street, Brisbane Street and George Street would be reduced to one lane. ............ Charles Street will be made two-way between Brisbane and York Streets, and Paterson Street will be changed to a two-way street between Charles and St John streets. ............ The changes are dependent on securing funding for the City Heart project.... Click her for the full story

Ratepayers need to be aware that this project depends upon Launceston Council's cargo cult mentality.

Cargo cults typically come out of a combination of crises and Launceston's CBD is clearly suffering from social change and past planning decisions.

Under social stress and fiscal stress cargo cult mentalities develop under leaderships founded upon fiscal mythologies.

Leadership's visions and dreams of a future, often linked to memories of 'better times', projected futures built upon aspirations for a return to a lost past. Such leadership characterise the present as the loss the past and typically meaning that plans for the future fail to acknowledge the reality of change.

The City Heart 'initiative' depends on 'fly-in-money' and if the wish is fulfilled, and in the ways it has been in the past, Launceston's ratepayers will be paying out increasingly unsustainable city rates for the maintenance of the unsustainable development.

It has happened before, which is why Launceston Council's past delusional plans and developments have translated to Launcestonians not benefiting from the economies of scale and paying rates $300 to $400 above the odds.

It is time to stop this nonsense and engage with the communities that council will be extracting ever higher levels of rates and are supposed to be 'servicing'.

Today (Wed Dec 16) The Examiner tells us "Launceston City Council has defended claims that businesses were not consulted about changes to traffic flow in the city throughout the proposal process."

Interestingly .... "A city business owner, who did not wish to be identified, said his business had not been consulted throughout the duration of the proposal process ..... "Making [George Street] two ways was what the plan originally said, and that was what they put to consultation but they're actually making it one way and that was never put out to consultation at all," the business owner said. "We don't know what the plans are, we don't know what parking is available, we know nothing." ... Click here to go to the story

Realities must be faced and the follies of the past need to be avoided. There are solutions but the time has past for them being provided by expensive 'fly-in consultants' and 'cargo cult money' delivered in a marginal electorate on the whiff of an upcoming election.

T Vale

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