Thursday, January 14, 2016


Amid criticism that MONA FOMA moved virtually all of their 2016 event out of Hobart, due to Hobart City Council’s complicated bureaucracy and red tape - Hobart Lord Mayor, Sue Hickey has struck back.

Talking from Ireland (apparently phones do work there), Hickey stated that clearly MONA just can’t keep up with the ingenuity and creativity of HCC and they have simply been scared off, as they can’t compete.

“Let’s be realistic about this”, said Hickey. “The Christmas Tree, our new toilets and The Taste etc have set the benchmark too high so they have scurried off back to Berriedale. Walshy could learn a lot form us you know. We even offered them the use of our Albert but they weren’t ‘modern’ enough to take up that offer”, said Hickey.

When challenged on if council had simply become too hard and too expensive to work with due to overcomplicated processes and “idiots in charge” Hickey stated “we are forming a series of committees to establish that now. We should have a report in early 2018 but until then I can’t speculate”.

In a statement, MOFO media department said “Oh FFS. Just do your best to keep Christie away. PLEASE! Can someone send them tickets to Cirque du Soleil? I am sure they think we run that. They think all arty stuff is the same anyway. They won’t know the difference”.

It is understood that MONA did look at using council’s Albert cashless system but even David Walsh can’t afford to lose that much money or wait that long for the reconciliation.

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