Sunday, February 14, 2016


LOCAL Government Minister Peter Gutwein has announced a targeted review of the Local Government Act, amid community concern about current council management. ............ He said local government processes and efficacy being ‘‘under the microscope’’ led to the review. ............ ‘‘Local government must be efficient and effective and deliver good value for ratepayers if we want to make Tasmania the best place in the country to live, work, invest and raise a family,’’Mr Gutwein said. ............ ‘‘This targeted review of the Local Government Act will ensure the legislative framework for local government is effective and efficient, with a focus on governance improvement.’’ ............ A steering committee will make recommendations regarding issues including: ............ the functions of mayors and council members; the appointment, functions and powers of the general manager; financial management and reporting; the functions and powers of council boards; and local government elections. Launceston Mayor Albert van Zetten said he welcomed the review.‘ ............ ‘I don’t have a problem with the review,’’ Alderman van Zetten said. ............ ‘‘Do I think there are major problems at the moment? No, I don’t.’’ ............ Earlier this month, Fairfax Media reported Alderman van Zetten said the Launceston City Council would be happy to pursue council amalgamations. ............ The City of Launceston has a population of about 64,000 and a council of 12 aldermen. ............ The Launceston council and its four closest councils contain a population of about 122,750. ............ Comparatively, Victorian regional city Ballarat has a population of about 100,000 and nine councillors. ............ Mr Gutwein said he anticipated necessary amendments to the act resulting from the review will be introduced to parliament by May 2017. ............ Meanwhile, the government has granted an extension to the Board of Inquiry report on Glenorchy City Council due to a high volume of public submissions. ............ The board were due to present their findings on February 15, but have been granted an extension to April 18. ............ ‘‘It is important that we get this right and that the report is as accurate and comprehensive as possible,’’ Mr Gutwein said. ............ GO TO:

Thank you Peter Gutwein.

There are systemic governance and management problems in Local Government the length and breadth of Tasmania and this targeted review has been needed for a long time.

When Local Government Aldermen and General Managers refuse to be confronted by their electors and refuse to answer valid questions from ratepayers and residents in their constituency, then the need for a review of their roles and responsibilities becomes very apparent. Only a few aldermen and General Managers and their senior staff are earnest and genuinely working for their communities.

There is a great deal of waste and poor management of local government resources throughout Local Government, and that is why rates are too high. Too many Aldermen see themselves as running mini-governments, handing out our money and favours for petty political gain and to enjoy their little Local Government world. Too many General Managers are creating fiefdoms - their power base, keeping information away from others in order to defend their power bases and ramping up their incomes to levels that are unjustified and unaffordable.

Rates cannot simply continue to be levied against the income levels that General Managers demand. Rates in Tasmania are way too high for the services provided and when fairly compared with similar communities interstate.

So, now it's over to you, ratepayers and residents of Tasmania, to make submissions and for once, have your say.

L Morrell, 
Tasmanian Ratepayers Association Inc.

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