Friday, July 22, 2011

Alderman Norton wants to start the resource recovery ball rolling

Today TRA received an email from Ald. Norton announcing his position on resource recovery in the Tamar region. Ald. Norton said "I have been consulting with community members for over a year, and have some ideas that might be appropriate given the agenda item 16.1 scheduled for Monday's council meeting" .... click here to go to his website and position statement.

Ald Norton says, "the time has now arrived to be proactive and to begin to work towards realising some of the ideas people have been discussing over the year ... If we are to ever get a really sustainable, relevant and appropriate "resource recovery system" anywhere we need to start to work on the issue locally. It is important that we start to think about our so-called "waste" as a resource and to stop thinking about waste as rubbish."

TRA welcomes this news and can only be hoped that Ald. Norton will get some traction within Council. Anyone who has been to public meeting over the past year can be excused for thinking that Launceston's Aldermen and officers might not be as enthusiastic about this issue as Ald. Norton.

Ald.Norton is also advocating that Launceston City Council "embrace the Zero Waste idea" As he says the "downside of this is almost impossible to imagine." TRA recommends that anyone with an interest in this matter visit his website ...

EDITOR'S NOTE: Ald. Norton is to be congratulated for choosing to use social networking to engage with his constituency.

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