Thursday, July 7, 2011

Letter to the Attorney General

Tasmanian Ratepayers’ Association Inc.
P.O. Box 2039,
7 July 2011,

Hon. Brian Wightman MP
Attorney General Tasmania
Parliament House
email to

Dear Mr. Wightman,

Re: Brighton Council Rating Resolution.

Our Association takes an active interest in Local Government rating methods, and in the past has made submissions to the Tasmanian Government in relation to the matter.

We note that on 21st June 2011, Brighton Council passed a resolution levying rates and charges for Brighton Municipality as set down in the attached document.

We understand from information received from Brighton Council that Brighton Council devises what it terms “Brighton fairer rating model”. They say they have widely consulted their community and undertaken an extensive survey which shows overwhelming support for their rating method within their community. Apparently, George Town Council and Glamorgan Spring Bay Council have also now adopted a similar flat rating model for residential properties and other councils are now progressing towards a flatter structure. They believe their model to be a fairer and more transparent method as well as totally eliminating the rating volatility that occurs with property based residential rating following revaluation.

This is the 5th year that Brighton has adopted the fairer rating model. They believe they are on sound legal footing and are encouraged by supporting legal advice, but accept that there is varying legal opinion to rating methodology across Tasmania (not just theirs) due to the complexity of the Local Government Act.

None-the-less, Brighton Council is clearly being allowed to strike rates in their municipality on this basis, with complete knowledge and disclosure to government.

We are therefore seeking to learn from you whether this is the case and whether the rating method utilised by Brighton Council complies with their lawful duties pursuant to the Local Government Act (1973).

We are inclined towards the fairer method successfully levied by Brighton Council and want to encourage other Municipalities to follow suit. Likewise, we are encouraged by comments from the government during a recent debate on rating legislation in the upper house where we understand the government now supports the outcome of Brighton rating policies for the Tasmanian community.

We look forward to receiving your response in a timely manner.

Yours faithfully,

Lionel J. Morrell
Tasmanian Ratepayers Association Inc.

1 comment:

Petar said...

This letter raises a couple of questions.

Firstly why hasn't Launceston City Council 9the Mayor or the GM) sought this advice from the government?

The, why hasn't Ald. Dean sought this advice to back up his assertion an belief that Brighton was action in contravention of the law?

What is about LCC's current rate model that is so attractive to the Mayor, Aldermen and GM?

On balance, which model, Brighton's or Launceston's, is the fairest and most equitable?