If you live in South Launceston most likely you will have received one of these leaflets in your letterbox. It is really good that our elected representatives get out and about doing letter drops and letting us know what they are doing for us. Its the kind of thing you are unlikely to read about in The Examiner anytime soon.
Parking is one of Ald. Soward's hot topics and it is good to see that he has done a reality check and that he has discovered that in order to bring about change you need to get going and do some lobbying.
He also made some promises about rates that it seems he'll need to do a bit more work on in order to close the credibility gap. If you say one thing and vote another way there is a gap to be filled. Why did Ald. Soward vote for the rate increase despite the level of services Launceston City Council has to deliver shrinking somewhat now that the Sate Govt. has taken water management out of the equation?
However, South Launcestonians have been doing it tough in the parking stakes for a long time. So too have hospital patients, staff and relatives! CARe PARK AUSTRALIA has a grip on the situation that is going to be hard to overcome but all strength to Ald. Soward's elbow. Nonetheless he'll need the support of a few more Aldermen before he'll be able to make much headway.
We also need to remember that the hospital is cash strapped. No wonder the management has turned to CARe. It is going to be hard to wean the hospital's administration from that funding drip!

He also made some promises about rates that it seems he'll need to do a bit more work on in order to close the credibility gap. If you say one thing and vote another way there is a gap to be filled. Why did Ald. Soward vote for the rate increase despite the level of services Launceston City Council has to deliver shrinking somewhat now that the Sate Govt. has taken water management out of the equation?
However, South Launcestonians have been doing it tough in the parking stakes for a long time. So too have hospital patients, staff and relatives! CARe PARK AUSTRALIA has a grip on the situation that is going to be hard to overcome but all strength to Ald. Soward's elbow. Nonetheless he'll need the support of a few more Aldermen before he'll be able to make much headway.
We also need to remember that the hospital is cash strapped. No wonder the management has turned to CARe. It is going to be hard to wean the hospital's administration from that funding drip!
I have lived in South Launceston for a very long time, and never before have we had an Alderman of the calibre of Rob Soward take an interest in us and keep us informed like he does.
I understand that when he was considering standing as a Federal candidate for the Liberal Party, they told him he was doing a much better job for the Launceston Council and he should continue there.
The promised reductions in our rates will come because I know Rob is a man of his word.
He spends so much time at the Town Hall, I am surprised he has any time for his teaching job, let alone family life.
Goodonya Rob.
Satisfied Southie
Here is a test we can try out on Aldermen and Councillors. Try calling one and leaving a message on their mobile phone. Allow 10 days for a reply because these people are really busy and they have other things going on in their lives.
If they return your call the same day they score a 1 and if it takes 14 they score a 14 or a minus 4. If we all did something like this we could build up a reliability scale for public representation. Collectively we could have a very good reference to draw on next year when we vote again.
There is one Launceston Alderman who you can rely upon a same day return call, there is another that sometimes takes 2 days but always with an explanation if late and there are a couple of others for whom the messages seem to be consigned to that black hole down at town hall.
Let's all keep our score cards and see what happens and how important we all are.
PS: Good on you Rob
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