Mr Green said Access Economics had been engaged to undertake a comprehensive analysis and report to the joint State and Local Government review.
“The review will consider rating and valuation models currently used in Tasmania and interstate,” Mr Green said.
“All options are on the table for consideration.
“The Government is committed to working with local government to address the concerns of ratepayers and councils about rating fluctuations and the need for greater clarity and flexibility of rating models.”
Mr Green said the Access Economics’ report would form an important part of the overall review.
He said he expected the report to be completed in October ahead of further consultation with councils and the community.
Any changes arising from the review are unlikely to be implemented until the 2012-13 rating year. “Valuation and local government rating are highly complex areas."
“The Government’s aim is to deliver a valuation and rating model in consultation with the community and local government that will serve Tasmania into the future."
In 2007 Access Economics undertook a review of the financial sustainability of local government in Tasmania for the Local Government Association of Tasmania and has recently completed a review of rating for Darwin City Council.
The terms of reference for the review and independent analysis can be found by CLICKING HERE
Further information: Matthew Sullivan 0407 816 462
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