Monday, October 12, 2015

Local Government and the 21st Century

The newDEMOCRCRACY Foundation says, "The Magna Carta is a touchstone for democracy: a devolution of power from an absolute Monarch to his subjects. 

The Treaty, in all its chapters, became a complementary measure to the way the King, the government of the day, governed. This year, on the 800th anniversary of that treaty, we think a further complementary measure is needed to reflect the aspirations of Australians. 

We think a complementary house of randomly selected people - A Citizens' Senate - could be trialed as a third house of parliament. We might be wrong, and that’s why we think a fair method for studying this measure, along with any others, is to put the question to a Convention, and let them spend some months deliberating on the measures. 

The Irish Constitutional Convention of 2013 is a precedent in this regard. The Irish had a mix of everyday people selected by lot (as in a jury) together with politicians - two thirds/one third. 

In Australia, we could have a similar mix to consider: ‘How can we govern ourselves better?’ and report back to Parliament. Submissions would come from all and sundry on how to improve our government. Democracy is more than ‘the vote’; it’s a way of organising ourselves, for no other reason than for ourselves."

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