Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Social Media & Local Government

Gradually Social Media is kicking in as an 'accountability tool' in the arena of Local Govt. For so so long the players claimed that it "not to do with us”.... and.... "we have been elected/appointed to make decisions".... "so how can it have anything to do with us??"... and for a time there they were kind of right. 

The 'paper press' has for a very long time been collaboration between the 'aldermanic class', editors and a couple of 'pet journos'. Council's are require by law to openly advertise the opportunities they have to offer. Unsurprisingly this interdependent and symbiotic relationship, or sets of relationships, until recently was something that could be characterised as one where 'mutual milking' was going on and in the most part to some degree cosily.

However the ground has shifted, and significantly, and it continues to do so day by day. 

Newspapers are currently struggling for relevance with alternative online publications challenging the ‘established press’ and its assumed supremacy. Many, indeed most, are joining the digital fray in open competition with citizen journalism and social media, and as often as not, embracing new technologies and social media.

A demonstration of this in part has been the recent situation in Federal politics where Bronwyn Bishop's "Choppergate Affair" proved to be her undoing and in very large part this was the doing of Social Media Marketing.

Interestingly, niche publications and BLOGS can reach niche audiences, and in very quick time, and more to the point, very affordably. The landscape has changed more than most players in local government can, or have demonstrated that they can, comprehend.

Most, well many at leat, are of the age where digital technology, and the cultural paradigm it facilitates, has left them behind. They may have ‘smart phones’ but their thinking remains in the past, well in yesterday land in any event. Many use their smart phones so badly they should consider throwing them off a cliff somewhere.

How do the local government operatives deal with all this? Well they typically enlist compliant underlings to try and fill the gap but continue to use yesterday thinking to provide the content. 

Noticeably in Tasmania Hobart and Launceston’s council are getting into ‘Facebook’ in their struggle for relevance and in response to the criticism they face via social media.

Sadly the enlisted and compliant help and underlings cannot  fill the gap. They do not have the authority to provide content.  But the overlords continue to use yesterday thinking to provide decreasingly relevant content. 

Noticeably in Tasmania Hobart and Launceston’s council are getting into Facebook in their struggle for relevance and in response to the criticism they face via social media.

However, unwelcome critiques via social media have been sneaking up on local government for quite a while. There are a myriad of examples but a very early one is this very detailed website that lingers on keeping one version of things out there to be googled. 

Interestingly in the old day of the 'paper press' yesterday's news faded over time but social media is a lot like Berger Paint .... It keeps on keeping on .... AND its been doing so for a very very long time!

As they say "watch this space"!

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