Monday, September 11, 2017

Survey finds concerns

Hi, I found this article - Survey finds concerns, and thought you might like it

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the link to that article on the student survey in the Examiner. Surprise surprise that the majority of students are against the move! Of course we are! We are not stupid. Students and staff have been against the idea since the beginning.

According to the minutes of the June 2016 meeting, the Tas University Union Board talked about the relocation of the Newnham campus back then. "Board discussed impact of relocation of Newnham campus to Inveresk and lack of student consultation. S Overland to raise the issue on behalf of the Board with UTAS".
It took three months before they got an answer. In the minutes of the July 2016 and August 2016 meetings it was mentioned again under 'matters arising' - "Relocation of Newnham Campus - S Overland to raise lack of student consultation with VC."

Finally they received a sort of an answer for their September 2016 meeting. "Relocation of Newnham campus - Information has been provided to students throughout the process. Consultation with AMC students has been undertaken. Consultation with students to be relocated is planned for in the near future."

Sum total! So much for actual consultation. Information given at presentations or sent out as emails etc is NOT consultation. The UTas information has always been presented as a done deal, fait accompli, never as consultation.


Three Students (names have to be withheld for fear of retribution)